Your dosing questions answered!
Trying new products can seem overwhelming. Which bottle do I buy? What's the best way to give it to my pet? How much do I give them? In this blog, we will answer a few of the most common questions we receive regarding dosing. For answers regarding which bottle to buy, check out our blog Which bottle is right for me? All of our products are in 30ml bottles. There are 31 full droppers of liquid in a bottle. The mg number listed on each bottle is the amount of cannabidiol (or CBD) per bottle. To figure out how many...
Which bottle is right for me?
Do you have a cat? Do you have a large dog? Is your animal old? Does your pet have a lot of anxiety? Which bottle is right for your pet? The answer is......any of our Pawsible Love drops! All of our Pawsible Love drops contents are the same, just higher concentrations. Can a cat use the 1,000mg? YES! Can a large dog use the 250mg? YES! While any size or age animal can use any of our products, we do have recommendations for the best fit for your specific pet based on a few questions. 1. How much does your...
Is bigger really better?
Is bigger really better? Is the 2,500mg right for my pet? Pawsible Love's 2,500mg can be used for any pet. It is especially good for any medium to large animal or if your pet uses our products 2x a day. Need an economical solution to keep your pet free of their troublesome ailments? This is it!! We understand the initial investment comes with a little sticker shock. When you look at the big picture of how long the bottle will last and what you pay per mg, it all makes sense. With the 2,500mg Pawsible Love drops, you pay...
7 Tips For Tranquility This 4th of July
Ahh the 4th of July. Such a wonderful time to celebrate with friends and family. There's sunshine, BBQ's, and of course, FIREWORKS! Many people have a love hate relationship with fireworks. They are fun to watch, but the anxiety and fear it causes our pets is painful to watch. We have heard stories of pets hiding under the bed, in closets and even ripping siding off the house! Below are some of the things you can do to help minimize the anxiety in your pets this 4th of July. 1. Stay at home with your pet. If you can, staying...
What's the deal with 500mg and 1,000mg?
What is the deal with the 500mg and 1,000mg Pawsible Love drops? Do I really need that much? How big is the bottle? How does it work? These are all great questions! All of our Pawsible Love drops come in 30ml bottles regardless of the amount of milligrams in the bottle. The higher you increase the mg, the more concentrated each drop is. This means that instead of giving your pet a full dropper of the 100mg drops at once, you would only need to give them a few drops of either the 500mg or 1,000mg. By doing this, a...