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Oliver, the 14 year old Doxie

"We started O.D. on Pawsible while in Salida, Colorado on vacation. He is a 14 year old Doxie who had started just sleeping all day, would not walk and had no energy. He would tell you he wanted to go outside, had to carry him up and down the steps to our travel trailer and then once he did his business would sit until you took him back inside. He wasn't sleeping and neither were we, even when we put him in our bed he could not seem to get comfortable. He whined to get down, he whined to get back up on the bed. Within 3 days of starting Pawsible 100 mg 0.5 dropper twice daily we noticed a few things. He was the first one up in the morning and he wasn't waking up at night. Within one week he was ready to go for walks and at the end of two weeks was doing a mile around the lake at nice gallop. He was enjoying life again! We have now used 3 bottles and I will be ordering more the difference in him is amazing. We really thought he was getting ready for the rainbow bridge and the vets were telling us that due to his heart murmur and multiple lipomas that his little body was working overtime and that we needed to start making plans. In addition to the other improvements we are also now starting to see a decrease in size on some of his lipomas and his breathing doesn't sound so labored. Can't wait for his next vet visit to see what they have to say. Thanks Pawsible for providing Oliver Dinkelmyer aka O.D. with some new vigor and love for life. We are forever grateful."

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